27.11.2017 19:34

Russian benchmark officially renamed the MOEX Russia Index

On 27 November 2017 the new name of the Russian stock market benchmark – MOEX Russia Index – officially came into effect. The index was formerly known as the MICEX Index. 

The new name will support increased brand recognition for MOEX and a more cohesive awareness of Moscow Exchange and the Russian financial market in the eyes of Russian and international professional market participants as well as retail investors.

The index's new name was first announced in April of this year at the Exchange Forum in Moscow.

The name of the RTS Index will remain unchanged. The indices have identical component stocks; the MOEX Russia Index is denominated in RUB, while the RTS Index in USD.

From 27 November, the benchmark has been officially renamed the MOEX Russia Index on the Exchange’s website. The index will be renamed in all external information resources shortly.

We kindly ask you to use the new name, the MOEX Russia Index, in your publications.

The new name is included in the updated methodology for the calculation of Moscow Exchange’s indices that also comes into effect on 27 November 2017. The methodology was revised to increase liquidity requirements for component stocks and employ a floating number of securities. The first review under the new methodology will take place on 22 December 2017. At present, the number of component stocks for both indices is fixed at 50.

For more details about the new methodology, please visit Moscow Exchange’s website.


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