14.11.2018 23:09

OTC trading board on FX market

As previously announced, in the upcoming release of the FX market trading and clearing system that is scheduled for 3 December 2018 a new OTCT board will be introduced for spot EURUSD and GBPUSD trades with liquidity providers and the NCC as the central counterparty.
Implementation details:
1. Orders are entered with the NEGDEAL transaction. The NCC firm ID (NCC000100000) should be specified as the counterparty. Settlement code is T2.
2. After the order registration in the trading system it will get STATUS=O (active). The order cannot be withdrawn or amended. When a reply from a liquidity provider is received the order status will change to either M (matched) or F (rejected by the counterparty).
3. All orders are considered as Immediate or Cancel orders.
4. The EXT_ORDERBOOK table in the trading system shows the aggregated order book based on quotes of liquidity providers in external systems.
5. Operations on OTCT board affect the single limit value.
6. Clearing members can only act as market takers. I.e. their orders cannot be active in the order books.
7. Access to the OTCT board is only granted to user IDs having clearing permissions.
8. Information on OTC trades is neither published in any market data feeds, including web site and the all trades table, nor displayed in the SECURITIES table.
The new OTCT board is currently available for testing on the INETCUR_GATEWAY environment.

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