24.09.2019 11:12

Change of lot size on negotiated deal boards

Dear Securities market clients,

We plan to change the lot size on negotiated deal boards on the Securities market, including the boards with CCP settlement. This change does not affect boards with bonds. Irrespectively of lot size in main trading modes and instrument pricing the lot size on all negotiated deal boards will be set to 1 security. This change is available for testing on the INET_GATEWAY test environment starting from 18 September 2019 for the following instruments:

  1. RU000A0HF0L2
  2. RU000A0JNUW0
  3. TGKB
  4. MRKV
  5. DIOD
  6. TGKN
  7. TRMK
  8. VTBR
  9. RSTI
  10. RSTIP
  11. NKSH
  12. MVID
  13. DSKY

The date of changes in production will be determined later based on the testing results.

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+7 (495) 363-3232
Public Relations Department
Contacts for clients
+7 (495) 232-3363
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