24.05.2017 18:12

Moscow Exchange enters strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai Stock Exchange

Moscow Exchange (MOEX) has expanded further the scope for collaboration with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) as the two exchanges signed a strategic cooperation agreement during a meeting in Moscow on 22 May 2017.

The strategic cooperation agreement focuses on a number of areas of shared interest to MOEX and SSE that can support and facilitate the further development of the two exchanges.

Under the agreement, MOEX and SSE will, for example, work on educating market participants and investors on the Chinese and Russian market, enhance collaboration in market data, develop and launch RMB and Rouble quoted products as well as facilitate mutual products, as part of a wider effort to provide efficient financing services to Belt and Road initiative.

Alexander Afanasiev, CEO of Moscow Exchange, said: "We are delighted to welcome our partners from the Shanghai Stock Exchange to Moscow for the signing of this strategic cooperation agreement. China is an important trading partner for Russia, and we continue to see considerable further potential to develop stronger and deeper ties between our respective capital markets. The agreement today represents a further step ahead in this regard, and we look forward to working together with our partners at SSE to take the principles of this agreement and to put them into action for the benefit of both exchanges."

Wu Qing, Chairman of Shanghai Stock Exchange, added: "This is an important agreement for SSE and for China as a whole, as it will provide an efficient platform for the financing of Belt and Road projects.  Specifically we intend to work with MOEX to develop a number of debt and equity products that will allow investors to participate in and gain exposure to these projects.  More generally, we attach considerable value to our expanding relationship with MOEX, and I am confident that agreements such as this can help to further promote the prosperity of the capital markets in both China and Russia."

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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