03.10.2017 19:36

Moscow Exchange trading schedule for 2018 public holidays

On 3, 4 and 5 January, 9 March, 30 April, 2 May and 11 June -- public holidays in Russia -- Moscow Exchange's trading schedule will be as follows:

-        The FX, Precious Metals, Equity & Bond and Deposit Markets will operate as usual;

-        All instruments will trade on the FX and Precious Metals Markets, except trades with "today" settlement and swap transactions with their first parts settled on the same day;

-        The Standardised OTC Derivatives market will be closed.

On 29 December 2017, the evening trading session will be cancelled for derivatives.

All Moscow Exchange markets will be closed on all Russian public holidays not noted above, specifically 30-31 December 2017, 1-2 January, 6-8 January 2018, 23 February, 8 and 10-11 March, 29 April, 1 May, 5-6 May and 9 May, 10 and 12 June, 5 November.

Trading calendar 2018

FX Market Trading Calendar

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