30.04.2014 11:24

FX rates for variation margin for USD/UAH futures on 2 May

Moscow Exchange's management has decreed that 2 May will be a trading day for all of the exchange's markets.

The USD/UAH rate will not be calculated by the Emerging Markets Trade Association (EMTA) and published on Thomson Reuters at 11:30 am Kiev time as it usually is, as 2 May will be a non-business day in Ukraine.
As such, in accordance with clause 6.1 of the USD/UAH futures specifications, the following provisions will be applied to determine variation margin on 2 May:

  • The settlement price for 2 May will be determined in accordance with the procedure in the rules for organized trading on Moscow Exchange's Derivatives Market.
  • The USD/UAH rate will be that calculated by the EMTA and published on Thomson Reuters terminals with code EMTAUAHFIX at 11:30 am Kiev time on 30 April.
  • The USD/RUB rate will be that set at 11:30 am Kiev time on 30 April in accordance with the exchange's methodology for calculating indicative currency rates, which is available on its website.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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