02.09.2019 19:09

Revised lists of the Moscow Exchange Indices announced

Moscow Exchange announced today the results of the quarterly review for MOEX indices. All changes will be implemented from 20 September 2019. The Exchange has also set free floats for a number of companies.

PJSC "LSR" (ords) will be included into the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index. PJSC "RussNeft", PJSC "SAFMAR Financial investments", PJSC "M.video" are considered for being excluded fom the indices.

In the constituent list of the Blue Chip Index ordinary shares of PJSC VTB Bank were replaced by ordinary shares of PJSC Novolipetsk Steel.

The constituent list of the Broad Market Index will be changed as a result of adding PJSC "Russian Aquaculture" (ords), PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" (ords) and removing PJSC "Ashinskiy metallurgical works" (ords) and PJSC "GAZ" (prefs).

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre" will be added to the SMID Index, while PJSC "RussNeft" (ords) and PJSC "United Wagon Company" will be deleted from the constituent list of the SMID Index.

PJSC "Russian Aquaculture" (ords) will be included into the Consumer Index. Ordinary shares of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" will be added to the constituent list of Chemicals Index. PJSC "Far-Eastern Energy Company" will be removed from Electric Utilities Index.

In the constituent list of the MOEX 10 Index ordinary shares of PJSC "Magnit" were replaced by preferred shares of PJSC Surgutneftegas. Ordinary shares of PJSC "IMCB" will be added to the MOEX Innovation Index.

The baskets of the Multi-Assets Indices and parameters of the lists of MOEX RSPP Indices were updated.

Summary table of changes in the Moscow Exchange Indices' Constituents Lists

Index Included Excluded
MOEX Russia Index, RTS Index PJSC "LSR Group", Ordinary shares  
MOEX Blue Chips Index PJSC "NLMK", Ordinary shares VTB Bank (PJSC), Ordinary shares
Broad Market Index PJSC "Russian Aquaculture", Ordinary shares PJSC "Ashinskiy metzavod", Ordinary shares
PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", Ordinary shares PJSC "GAZ", Preferred shares
SMID Index PJSC "IDGC of  Centre", Ordinary shares PJSC "RussNeft", Ordinary shares
PJSC "RPC UWC", Ordinary shares
Consumer Index PJSC "Russian Aquaculture", Ordinary shares  
Chemicals Index PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", Ordinary shares  
Electric Utilities Index   PJSC "FEEC", Ordinary shares
MOEX 10 Index "Surgutneftegas" PJSC, Preferred shares PJSC "Magnit", Ordinary shares
MOEX Innovation Index PJSC "IMCB", Ordinary shares  

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices and included in the waiting lists, as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Issuer Current number
of shares
New number
of shares
APTK PJSC "Pharmacy Chain 36.6", Ordinary shares 2 330 647 246 6 708 243 398 6%  
BLNG PJSC "Belon", Ordinary shares 1 150 000 000   5% 3%
DVEC PJSC "FEEC", Ordinary shares 17 223 107 804   8% 6%
FESH PJSC "FESCO", Ordinary shares 2 951 250 000   22% 26%
GEMA PJSC "IMCB", Ordinary shares 1 492 992   -- 15%
IRGZ JSC "Irkutskenergo", Ordinary shares 4 766 807 700   8% 7%
KRKNP PJSC "Saratov Oil Refinery", Preferred shares 249 337   31% 35%
KZOS PJSC "Kazanorgsintez", Preferred shares 1 785 114 000   16% 20%
LKOH PJSC "LUKOIL", Ordinary shares 750 000 000 715 000 000 55% 54%
LNTA Lenta Ltd., Depositary receipts of the foreign issuer 487 929 660   28% 21%
MRKK PJSC "IDGC of Northern Caucasus", Ordinary shares 154 562 275   6% 1%
MVID PJSC "M.video", Ordinary shares 179 768 227   32 17%
POLY Polymetal International plc, Shares of a foreign issuer 470 155 459 470 183 404 38 45%
RKKE PJSC "RSPC "Energia", Ordinary shares 1 179 836   7% 12%
RNFT PJSC "RussNeft", Ordinary shares 294 120 000   20% 9%
ROST PJSC "Rosinter Restaurants Holding", Ordinary shares 16 305 334   14% 9%
SFIN PJSC "Safmar Financial Investments", Ordinary shares 111 637 791   40% 37%
VRSB PJSC "TNS energo Voronezh", Ordinary shares 56 151 024   -- 7%

From 20 September 2019, the following shares will be under consideration:

Under consideration to be added to Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
AMEZ PJSC "Ashinskiy metzavod", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
CNTL PJSC "Central Telegraph", Ordinary shares
GTRK PJSC "Globaltruck Management", Ordinary shares
KOGK PJSC "Korshynov Mining Plant", Ordinary shares
NAUK PJSC NPO "Nauka", Ordinary shares
PMSB PJSC "Perm Energy Supplying Company", Ordinary shares
PMSBP PJSC "Perm Energy Supplying Company", Preffered shares
SZPR PJSC "North-Western Shipping Company", Ordinary shares
VZRZP Vozrozhdenie Bank (PJSC), Preffered shares
ZILL PJSC "The Likhachov Plant", Ordinary shares

Under consideration to be removed from Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
MVID PJSC "M.video", Ordinary shares MOEX Russia Index and RTS Index
RNFT PJSC "RussNeft", Ordinary shares
SFIN PJSC "Safmar Financial Investments", Ordinary shares
GAZA PJSC "GAZ", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
HIMCP PJSC "Khimprom", Preferred shares

For information regarding the lists of stocks employed in the Moscow Exchange Indices as well as the lists of securities employed in the Multi-Assets Indices of Moscow Exchange, please, follow the link.


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