10.02.2021 16:18

Moscow Exchange trading schedule for 2021 holidays

Moscow Exchange has updated the trading schedule for its markets for 2021 public holidays. 10 May and 14 June 2021 will be trading days on the Exchange.

The FX, Precious Metals, Equity & Bond, Money, Derivatives and Standartised OTC Derivatives Markets will therefore operate as usual on 22 February, 10 May, 14 June and 5 November 2021.

On those days, all instruments will trade on the FX and Precious Metals Markets, except trades with "today" settlement and swap transactions with their first parts settled on the same day. Settlement in USD will not be available for T+ and repo transactions with the CCP on the Equity Market and on the Deposit Market. Settlement of trades in foreign currency will be held as usual on the Equity Markets (non-CCP trades) and the Credit Market.

23 February, 8 March, 3 May and 4 November 2021 are public holidays with all markets closed.

Saturday 20 February 2021 is a regular trading day on which markets will operate as follows:

  • US shares will not be traded. Settlement of previously executed trades in US shares as well as negotiated trading, negotiated trading through the CCP and repo with the CCP will be held as usual;
  • Settlement of repo transactions with the CCP in USD will not be available as 20 February is a non-settlement day for trades in USD;
  • All instruments will trade on the FX and Precious Metals Markets on 20 February, except trades with "today" settlement and swap transactions with their first parts settled on the same day;
  • The evening session for derivatives will not be held due to rolling out a new release.

On all other days in 2021, MOEX markets will operate as usual.

Trading calendar

FX Market trading schedule 

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