Foreign currency as collateral

In accordance with the Methodology for selecting foreign currencies and securities accepted as collateral the Clearing Center accepts the foreign currency as collateral as well as sets limits on the maximum amount of the foreign currency to be accepted as collateral from a Clearing member and a discount rate that is applied for foreign currency re-estimation.

accepted as collateral

The foreign currency registered as collateral is re-estimated in rubles by the Clearing Center on a daily basis during the evening clearing session. Exchange rate of the collateral currency ЦР is equal to spot price of the corresponding base contract with the dimension of underlying asset (Spot/Lot), calculated at the evening clearing session. Discount rate MR1 that is applied for collateral currency re-estimation is equal to Minimum margin rate of the 1st level.

Procedure for posting foreign currency as collateral

To be registered as collateral the foreign currency should be posted to the account of National Clearing Center opened with National Settlement Depository.

Banking details for Initial Margin transfers and contributions to the Contingency fund

Reports of NCC

Reports F14XXYY.xls, monXXYY.dbf and moncbXXYY.dbf contain information on balances of the foreign currency deposited as collateral.

The row "SECURITIES REGISTER and CASH REGISTER in foreign currency" ("ДЕПО РЕГИСТР ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ и ДЕНЕЖНЫЙ РЕГИСТР в иностранной валюте") of the report F14.xls contains total estimated value of securities and foreign currency in rubles provided as collateral.

In the field amount_end of the report mon.dbf the foreign currency provided as collateral is shown as pledged asset (tag "PL" in the field "type") at its estimated value in rubles as of the end of the day (as total amount of the currency and securities provided as collateral).

The column "type" of the report moncbXXYY.dbf contains the code of the foreign currency/security posted as collateral. Number of securities or amount of the foreign currency as at the end of the reporting day is shown in the field "amount_end". The field "rate" contains an estimated value of the foreign currency unit or one security in rubles adjusted for the discount. The column "go" includes the total estimated value of the foreign currency and securities posted as collateral in rubles.