MaximaTelecom, Joint Stock Company, exchange-traded bond (RU000A101XD8)

Key Parametres
Parameter type Value
Profitability 29.44% ?The yield of the last transaction, annual interest rate
Maturity date 14.07.2026
Date for yield calculation 14.01.2025 ?If field is empty – yield is calculated for maturity date
Coupon price 47.37 ?The size of the coupon in the currency of denomination
Coupon date 14.01.2025 ?Date of coupon payment

Parameters of the Instrument

For "exchange" and "corporate" bonds, in issue documents of which there is no indication that they are intended for qualified investors, the attribute "Qualified investors" takes the value "Yes" according to letters received from issuers, according to "Article 11 of Federal Law No.192-FZ of 11.06.2021 "On Amendments to the separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation".

Trading modes

Settlements in rubles

Settlements in currency

OTC deals

Settlements in rubles

Settlements in currency

Trading results

Coupon payment schedule

Other issuer instruments