05.06.2019 17:16

Moscow Exchange to host a panel on "Finance and the hype of millennials: How the financial sector is changing under the sway of the new generation" at SPIEF

On 6 June 2019, Moscow Exchange will host a panel discussion on "Finance and the hype of millennials: How the financial sector is changing under the sway of the new generation" as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2019) taking place in St. Petersburg on 6-8 June 2019.

Moscow Exchange is a partner of the business section of the event.

The panelists will discuss young people’s requirements for financial institutions and changes needed for financial infrastructure to meet the demands of young and dynamic clients. 

The panelists will include:

  • Ruben Enikolopov, Rector, New Economic School
  • Dmitry Eremeev, President, FIX
  • Athina Kanioura, Chief Analytics Officer, Global Lead of Accenture Applied Intelligence, Accenture
  • Boris Kim, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Qiwi
  • Anna Kuznetsova, Managing Director of the Equity and Bond Market, Moscow Exchange
  • Oleg Mikhasenko, President - Chairman of the Management Board, BCS Financial Group
  • Vladimir Potapov, Chief Executive Officer, VTB Capital Investment Management; Head of the Brokerage Department, Senior Vice President, VTB Bank
  • Artem Yamanov, Senior Vice President, Business Development Director, Tinkoff Bank
  • Gleb Davidyuk, Managing Partner, iTech Capital

Maxim Filimonov, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Editor at TASS Russia, will moderate the discussion.

The panel discussion will take place at 16:45-18:00 on 6 June 2019, in conference hall G5.

A live stream will be available on the SPIEF website.

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+7 (495) 232-3363
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+7 (495) 232-3363
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